Want happier, more productive employees?

Want happier, more productive employees?
Give them sharp tools and let them run.

No, we’re not talking about handing out scissors and turning them loose on the playground. (That’s dangerous and should never be allowed.)

We’re talking about giving them tools like Microsoft’s Office 365 for Business. This suite of cloud-based productivity applications is pretty sharp because it empowers teams to communicate effectively and work collaboratively. With tools like this in hand, your employees can run projects that make your business more successful.

If you’re familiar with Microsoft Office programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you may be thinking, “Office 365 is just an online version of the same applications, right?” Well, right … and wrong. Don’t stop thinking there.

Yes, Microsoft Office 365 is found online, and with a subscription you have access to perpetually-updated versions of those same favorite desktop applications (plus Access, Outlook, and OneNote as well). But with Office 365 Business you also have access to cloud-based services that make collaborating easier than ever.


Consider these powerful features that Office 365 Business offers:

  1. Exchange – a communication integration tool that syncs your emails, calendars, and contact information across multiple devices, in real time
  2. OneDrive – an online storage drive that keeps all your files in the cloud so that you can access them anytime, from any device
  3. SharePoint – a secure mobile intranet that enables teams to share and work on documents collaboratively, from anywhere
  4. Teams – a communications tool for online meetings, with instant messaging, voice and video calling, and screen-sharing capabilities.  It is even an integrated platform that brings together all the applications and services of Office 365 into a central access hub; on this platform, your whole team can meet, communicate, and work together from anywhere, at any time, seamlessly

So, it just stands to reason: Teams that work well together share a collective intellect, and sharp tools like Office 365 give them the power to work smarter, not harder. Which means teams that run with sharp tools in their hands are more productive. And when your business is run by productive employees, it makes everybody happy.

Learn more about Office 365 and how Big Fish can help design, deploy, and support a solution that is just right for your organization  — we’re only a phone call away!